Jim Woodside
The Land With No Name: I am looking for ways to sum up my time there, to encapsulate it for others to understand. For me the LWNN was/is like a blank canvas, a sublime place, both peaceful and exciting; offering itself, waiting to be identified by artists fortunate enough to work there.
During my two extended residencies there, painting & drawing from multiple views (sometimes in the same painting), I tried to bear witness in my own clunky way to weather events, lush desert growth, epic monsoons, summer heat, fierce spring winds, sublime changes of light across the Sierrita Mountains, and on and on and on.
There is a timeless sense of inspiration there, powerful, yet calm; land that is grand but not screaming or overwhelming. The land there seems to participate with, rather than eclipse, the artist.
I can’t wait to go back.
works on paper and canvas